Good evening darlings!!! Here we are for a new post of our Sunday section!! We arrived at the hundredth one!!! It doesn't already seems so long ago since we started!!! For this reason we have chosen a special outfit, super stylish and "royal" worn by the beautiful Kate Middleton !!!
domenica 28 settembre 2014
If you're not her, try it - #100!!!
Buonasera carissimi!!! Eccoci per un nuovo post della nostra rubrica domenicale!! E siamo arrivati alla 100°!!! Non ci sembra già passato così tanto tempo da quando abbiamo iniziato!!! Per questo motivo abbiamo scelto un outfit speciale, super elegante e "regale" indossato dalla bella Kate Middleton!!!
Good evening darlings!!! Here we are for a new post of our Sunday section!! We arrived at the hundredth one!!! It doesn't already seems so long ago since we started!!! For this reason we have chosen a special outfit, super stylish and "royal" worn by the beautiful Kate Middleton !!!
Good evening darlings!!! Here we are for a new post of our Sunday section!! We arrived at the hundredth one!!! It doesn't already seems so long ago since we started!!! For this reason we have chosen a special outfit, super stylish and "royal" worn by the beautiful Kate Middleton !!!
giovedì 25 settembre 2014
Teal & tribal print!!!
Buonasera cari!!! Come procede la settimana? Noi aspettiamo fortemente il weekend per riposarci e visitare qualche fiera di fine settembre!!
Oggi vi voglio mostrare un mio outfit di qualche giorno fa, visto che qui fa già parecchio freddino ho optato per una tee a maniche lunghe color ottanio abbinata a degli ankle boots e a dei pantaloni a stampa tribale!!
Good evening darlings!!! How does your week proceed? We strongly expect the weekend to rest and visit some trade show of late September !!
Today I want to show you an outfit of a few days ago, because here is already quite chilly I opted for a long-sleeved tee teal paired with ankle boots and trousers in tribal print !!
Oggi vi voglio mostrare un mio outfit di qualche giorno fa, visto che qui fa già parecchio freddino ho optato per una tee a maniche lunghe color ottanio abbinata a degli ankle boots e a dei pantaloni a stampa tribale!!
Good evening darlings!!! How does your week proceed? We strongly expect the weekend to rest and visit some trade show of late September !!
Today I want to show you an outfit of a few days ago, because here is already quite chilly I opted for a long-sleeved tee teal paired with ankle boots and trousers in tribal print !!
mercoledì 24 settembre 2014
Floral dress!!!
Ciao a tutti!! Come state? Nel post di oggi vi mostro un look di qualche settimana fa! Ho indossato il vestito che avevo scelto per la mia laurea, abbinandolo a scarpe color prugna e accessori beige!!
Hi everybody! How are you? In the today's post I show you an outfit of some weeks ago! I wore the dress chosen for my degree, abbinandolo a plum shoes and beige accessories!!
Hi everybody! How are you? In the today's post I show you an outfit of some weeks ago! I wore the dress chosen for my degree, abbinandolo a plum shoes and beige accessories!!
martedì 23 settembre 2014
It will be mine - #66!!!
Ciao amici!! Come state? Nel nuovo appuntamento con la nostra rubrica entriamo nel vivo dei trends autunnali, con un colore che richiama le tonalità delle foglie cadute dai rami: il senape!! Perfetto da abbinare con altri colori must della stagione, come il blu ed il marrone, è stato proposto da diversi stilisti, tra cui Missoni e Carven!!
Hello friends!! How are you? In the new appointment with our section we enter the heart of the fall trends, with a color that recalls the colors of the fallen leaves from the branches: the mustard!! Perfect to match with other colors of the season, such as blue and brown, has been proposed by several designers, including Missoni and Carven !!
Hello friends!! How are you? In the new appointment with our section we enter the heart of the fall trends, with a color that recalls the colors of the fallen leaves from the branches: the mustard!! Perfect to match with other colors of the season, such as blue and brown, has been proposed by several designers, including Missoni and Carven !!
domenica 21 settembre 2014
If you're not her, try it - #99!!!
Ciao amici!! Come state? Nella rubrica di oggi vi mostriamo un look semplice ma di grande effetto e sensualità!! E' stato indossato da Nikki Reed al Tribeca Film Festival di quest'anno!! L'attrice, nota per aver recitato nella saga "The Twilight", ha scelto un outfit total black, composto da un abito tubino con schiena scoperta e pumps in pizzo!!
Hello friends!! How are you? In the section of today we show you a simple but effective and sensual look!! It was worn by Nikki Reed at the Tribeca Film Festival this year!! The actress, known for having starred in the saga "The Twilight", chose an all-black outfit, consisting of a bodycon backless dress and lace pumps !!
venerdì 19 settembre 2014
New fall/winter collection with Kiabi!!!
Buonasera ragazzi!! Come avete trascorso la settimana? Oggi vogliamo parlarvi di un evento a cui abbiamo partecipato questo martedì 16 settembre...un evento alla moda per la moda! Noi amiamo questi incontri! La serata è stata organizzata da un brand che, come sa chi ci segue, a noi piace davvero molto: stiamo parlando di
Good evening guys!! How have you spent the week? Today we want to talk about an event we attended this Tuesday, September 16 ... one fashion event for fashion! We love these meetings! The evening was organized by a brand that, as someone who follows us know, we really like: we're talking about
Good evening guys!! How have you spent the week? Today we want to talk about an event we attended this Tuesday, September 16 ... one fashion event for fashion! We love these meetings! The evening was organized by a brand that, as someone who follows us know, we really like: we're talking about
mercoledì 17 settembre 2014
It will be mine - #65!!!
Buonasera ragazzi!! Come avete iniziato la settimana? Noi con brutto tempo e freddo!! Ecco cosa ci ha ispirato per la rubrica di stasera...infatti abbiamo pensato ad un capo che siamo sicure abbiate quasi tutti e di cui non possiamo fare a giacca biker!!! Presentata da stilisti come Gucci e John Richmond, anche per questa stagione viene riproposta in molteplici versioni, tessuti e colori!!!
Good evening guys !! How did you start the week? We with bad weather and cold!! That's what inspired us to our section tonight... in fact we thought about an item which we are sure you have and without which you can not stand...the biker jacket !!! Presented by designers such as Gucci and John Richmond, for this season is revived in multiple versions, fabrics and colors !!!
Good evening guys !! How did you start the week? We with bad weather and cold!! That's what inspired us to our section tonight... in fact we thought about an item which we are sure you have and without which you can not stand...the biker jacket !!! Presented by designers such as Gucci and John Richmond, for this season is revived in multiple versions, fabrics and colors !!!
domenica 14 settembre 2014
If you're not her, try it - #98!!!
Ciao amici!!! Come state? Scusate la latitanza di questo periodo!! Eccoci ad un altro appuntamento con la nostra amatissima rubrica!! Il look che vi presentiamo oggi ha come protagonista la bella Beyoncè ed è stato scelto per una serata al cinema!
Hi everybody! How are you? We are so sorry For our absence! Here we are for another appointment with our beloved section! The outfit we show you today has as protagonist the beautiful Beyoncé and it was chosen for an evening at the cinema!
Hi everybody! How are you? We are so sorry For our absence! Here we are for another appointment with our beloved section! The outfit we show you today has as protagonist the beautiful Beyoncé and it was chosen for an evening at the cinema!
L'outfit è in black&white, con shorts in pelle e blazer di Helmut Lang, ravvivato dal colore delle pumps!!
The outfit is in black&white, with leather shorts and blazer of Helmut Lang, revived by the color of the pumps!!
The outfit is in black&white, with leather shorts and blazer of Helmut Lang, revived by the color of the pumps!!
mercoledì 10 settembre 2014
It will be mine - #64!!!
Buonasera amici!! Come state? Nella rubrica di oggi, vi parliamo di un trend che fa da trait d'union tra l'estate e l'autunno! Stiamo parlando delle frange, presentate su abiti ed accessori da tantissimi stilisti, nelle collezioni sia primavera/estate sia del prossimo autunno/inverno!!
Good evening friends !! How are you? In the section of today, we speak of a trend that serves as a link between summer and fall! We're talking about fringes presented on clothes and accessories from many designers, in the collections both spring/summer and the next autumn/winter !!
Good evening friends !! How are you? In the section of today, we speak of a trend that serves as a link between summer and fall! We're talking about fringes presented on clothes and accessories from many designers, in the collections both spring/summer and the next autumn/winter !!
domenica 7 settembre 2014
If you're not her, try it - #97!!!
Buonasera amici!! Come state? Nella rubrica di oggi vi mostriamo un outfit di Kim Kardashian, scelto in occasione di un pranzo con un'amica, seguito da un po' di shopping. Il look vede protagonisti il blu e la gonna a tubino, che la bella Kim utilizza spesso per valorizzare le sue curve!!
Good evening, friends!! How are you? In the section of today we show you an outfit of Kim Kardashian, chosen in occasion of a lunch with a friend, followed by a bit of shopping!! The outfit has as protagonists the blue color and a pencil skirt, which the beautiful Kim often uses to enhance her curves!!!

A completare il look, una camicia in denim e pumps bianche di Tom Ford!!!
To complete the look, a denim shirt and white pumps of Tom Ford !!!
Good evening, friends!! How are you? In the section of today we show you an outfit of Kim Kardashian, chosen in occasion of a lunch with a friend, followed by a bit of shopping!! The outfit has as protagonists the blue color and a pencil skirt, which the beautiful Kim often uses to enhance her curves!!!
A completare il look, una camicia in denim e pumps bianche di Tom Ford!!!
To complete the look, a denim shirt and white pumps of Tom Ford !!!
venerdì 5 settembre 2014
Buonasera amici!! Come state? Pronti per il weekend? Oggi vi vogliamo mostrare gli outfits indossati per lo scorso sabato sera che abbiamo trascorso mangiando una fantastica cena in centro e poi ai giardini dell'Armeria Reale a vedere un film cult, "Frankenstein junior", uno dei nostri film preferiti!!!!
Good evening friends!! How are you? Are you ready for the weekend? Today we want to show you the outfits worn for last Saturday night we spent eating a fantastic dinner in the town center and then to the gardens of the Royal Armoury to see a cult film, "Frankenstein Junior", one of our favorite movies !!!!
Good evening friends!! How are you? Are you ready for the weekend? Today we want to show you the outfits worn for last Saturday night we spent eating a fantastic dinner in the town center and then to the gardens of the Royal Armoury to see a cult film, "Frankenstein Junior", one of our favorite movies !!!!
Flowers pants!!!
Buonasera ragazzi!! Come procede la settimana? Io in pieni studi!! Oggi vi voglio mostrare un outfit indossato per una cena con amici!! Ho optato per pantaloni fiorati sui toni del rosa e bordeaux abbinati a nero, beige e a un tocco di pizzo dei miei booties!!
Good evening, guys!! How does your week proceed? I filled in study!! Today I want to show you an outfit worn for a dinner with friends !! I opted for floral pants with shades of pink and burgundy paired with black, beige and a touch of lace of my booties!!
Good evening, guys!! How does your week proceed? I filled in study!! Today I want to show you an outfit worn for a dinner with friends !! I opted for floral pants with shades of pink and burgundy paired with black, beige and a touch of lace of my booties!!
mercoledì 3 settembre 2014
Orange, Green and Nude!!
Buonasera amici!! Come state? Avete già ripreso la vostra routine o siete ancora in vacanza? Nel post di oggi vi mostro il look scelto, un paio di settimane fa, per andare al cinema a vedere "Step Up All In" con alcune amiche!!
Per l'occasione ho indossato un abito a stampa floreale abbinato ad accessori arancio e nudo!!
Good evening friends!! How are you? Have you already taken up your routine or are you still on holiday? In today's post I show you the look chosen, a couple of weeks ago, to go to the cinema to see "Step Up All In" with some friends !!
For the occasion I wore a floral print dress paired with nude and orange accessories!!
Per l'occasione ho indossato un abito a stampa floreale abbinato ad accessori arancio e nudo!!
Good evening friends!! How are you? Have you already taken up your routine or are you still on holiday? In today's post I show you the look chosen, a couple of weeks ago, to go to the cinema to see "Step Up All In" with some friends !!
For the occasion I wore a floral print dress paired with nude and orange accessories!!
martedì 2 settembre 2014
It will be mine - #63!!!
Buonasera amici!! Come avete iniziato la settimana? Oggi vi vogliamo proporre un trend ancora di quest'estate 2014 ma che potete mettere anche in versione autunnale...parliamo delle MULES!!! Scarpe molto femminili che riprendono in versione più raffinata, elegante e ricercata le più comuni clogs!!! Molti stilisti li hanno proposti tra cui Jimmy Choo, Oscar de la Renta e Jeffrey Campbell!! Aperti in punta o chiusi, col tacco a spillo o con la zeppa, di pizzo, colorati o di pelle...insomma ce n'è per tutti i gusti e gli stili!!!
Good evening friends!! How did you start the week? Today we want to propose you a trend of this summer 2014 but you can also put in autumn version... let's talk about MULES!!! Very feminine shoes that reflect in a more refined, elegant and sophisticated the most common clogs!!! Many designers have proposed them including Jimmy Choo, Oscar de la Renta and Jeffrey Campbell!! Open toe or closed, with heels or wedges, of lace, colorfull or of leather... so there is something for all tastes and styles !!!
Good evening friends!! How did you start the week? Today we want to propose you a trend of this summer 2014 but you can also put in autumn version... let's talk about MULES!!! Very feminine shoes that reflect in a more refined, elegant and sophisticated the most common clogs!!! Many designers have proposed them including Jimmy Choo, Oscar de la Renta and Jeffrey Campbell!! Open toe or closed, with heels or wedges, of lace, colorfull or of leather... so there is something for all tastes and styles !!!

Oscar de la Renta
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