Potrete quindi scegliere se apparire più determinate e sicure, sfoggiando la vostra femminilità con nuances calde, o se addolcire il make up viso con toni che facciano risaltare il colore naturale delle labbra!!
Good evening friends!! How are you? For the second appointment with the new section My Beauty we want to show you the tendencies of lipsticks for this season! Leafing through the fashion magazines and watching fashion shows you may notice that the colors are divided into two opposing groups: it ranges from dark tones to the timeless nude shades!
You can then choose whether to appear more certain and secure, showing off your femininity with warm nuances, or soften the makeup with tones that make out the natural color of the lips !!
Nelle tonalità più scure troviamo l'immancabile rosso, in tutte le sue declinazioni di colore, ma anche i colori vinaccia, malva e bordeaux! Ecco le alternative low cost che abbiamo trovato per voi:
Among darker shades we find the inevitable red, in all its forms of color, but also colors like wine-colored, mauve and burgundy! Here are the low cost alternatives that we have found for you:

Ecco invece le nuances nude:
Here are the nude nuances:
Here are the nude nuances:

Voi amate i rossetti? Qual è la vostra nuances preferita?
Buona serata!!
Do you love lipsticks? What is your favorite shades?
Do you love lipsticks? What is your favorite shades?
really liked the essence one
RispondiEliminaKeep in touch
che bello il primo trucco;)ciao raga come state??bacioni
RispondiEliminaMY GLAM POND
So many great lipstick shades.
RispondiEliminagreat tips! :)
RispondiEliminaWin a trip to Paris
i'm so obsessed with dark lipstick
RispondiEliminajoin my giveaway
Those are some lovely picks!
RispondiEliminaCheck out my latest OUTFIT POST
XoXo Venoma
Venoma Fashion Freak
io i rossetti li amo in ogni colore :) sono fissata!
RispondiEliminaNameless Fashion Blog
i colori bellissimi!
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