Cappotti, cappe, vestiti e bluse si ricoprono di adorabili passerotti e variopinte piume! Anche i colori più freddi e invernali acquistano vivacità e leggerezza con questa simpatica fantasia!! Tutto è più leggiadro e indossando questi capi vi sembrerà un po' di volare!!
Molti stilisti ripropongono questa stampa per questa stagione invernale, tra cui Vivienne Westwood, Valentino, Alberta Ferretti e Just Cavalli!!
Good evening friends!! Here we are with a new appointment of our section showing you trends of the season we like most!!! Today we want to talk about a print we love a lot ... by good veterinary whom we are ...we are talking about the bird print!! Tweet twee!!
Coats, capes, dresses and blouses are covered with lovely sparrows and colorful feathers! Even the most wintry and the coldest colors buy vivacity and lightness with this cute fantasy!! Everything is more graceful and wearing these clothes you will seem to fly!!
Many designers present this print for this winter season, including Vivienne Westwood, Valentino, Alberta Ferretti and Just Cavalli !!
Vivienne Westwood
Alberta Ferretti

Just Cavalli

Giles Deacon
Just Cavalli
Giles Deacon
Anche le celebs amano questa stampa!!
The celebs love this print too!!
Ecco le nostre proposte:
Here are our proposals:
Here are our proposals:
Skirt Mod Cloth - 49,99$
Shoes Shellys London (Asos) - 38,39€
Shoes Mod Cloth - 41,99€
Booties Miss L-Fire (Heels) - 199,99$
Backpack Accessorize - 23$
Backpack Mi-Pac (Asos) - 42,65€
Bag Accessorize - 29$
Vi piace questo trend? Avete già qualcosa con questa stampa?
Aspettiamo come sempre i vostri commenti!!
Buona serata!!
Do you like this trend? Do you already have something with this print?
We'll wait as always for your comments!!
Have a nice evening!!
Do you like this trend? Do you already have something with this print?
We'll wait as always for your comments!!
Have a nice evening!!
Beautiful selection of fashion.
RispondiEliminaAmazing prints, dear!
RispondiEliminaFashion blog Shoponista
belle le proposte di asos
RispondiEliminathe bird embroidery looks fab
RispondiEliminaKeep in touch
Che carina la maglietta gialla di Asos!
RispondiEliminaMi piace molto questa stampa!! I vestitini sono deliziosi.
RispondiEliminaDon't Call Me Fashion Blogger
Loved the Valentino and the just cavalli looks :)
RispondiEliminaso many cute items
RispondiEliminaawesome bird patterns! I esp love the first image Valentino coat!
Inside and Outside Blog
non è un trend che mi rispecchia molto;)forse la trovo una stampa troppo infantile;)un bacio
RispondiEliminabel trend!